
I joined Citrix under the CEO's direction to "change Citrix from an engineering-driven culture to a design-driven culture" within five years. We did it in under four years.
A big part of that transformation came through efforts I led to stimulate and curate the design culture within the UX/CX group. I organized the summits, guest speakers for our regular design salons, weekly sharing sessions, and quarterly show-and-tell (and drinking). All the programs I sponsored took place worldwide. The party happened in Santa Clara, Santa Barbara, San Francisco, Raleigh, Fort Lauderdale, Chalfont, Cambridge, and Bangalore.

Here are a few examples of the work I created for Citrix.


I oversaw the creation of the comprehensive product design standards and toolkit for all Citrix products. This project was created and implemented without slowing product development. My team embedded with product groups and developed these standards in a real-world environment. We designed the products and the standards simultaneously. The system has enabled the speedy design and development of all Citrix products using fewer design resources, shorter times, and automatic brand consistency across divisions.


While at Citrix, I created the Creative Strategy Group to design cross-product solutions, responding to the need for more vision across all products.
We worked closely with the CMO to establish the product as the key influencer of the Citrix brand essence.
We partnered with Citrix Labs on public releases of experimental products, Citrix Startup Accelerator, to support and educate companies in the portfolio and provided cross-product guidance to product verticals.

Part of the cultural shift I helped orchestrate at Citrix to being design-focused included adopting the design thinking process. Partnering with the Citrix Facilities team, I designed and implemented a 2200-square-foot studio environment to facilitate a company-wide move to the design thinking methods of rapid problem-solving.